Sandwich Generation
Work, teens and aging mothers
Published on November 27, 2004 By worntothebone In Home & Family
Today I finally got bored. This has not happened in really long time. I was using this weekend to rested and ready to face three weeks of kid crazy work (school librarian) and take care of my terminally ill mother's assisted living arrangements. I have taken many naps and fallen asleep early (much to my poor husbands dismay). Unfortunatelly I know Sunday I have a bad case of the dreads! Monday I have to get up early take things to work for a sub. Drive 2 hours to sign my mother up for her new digs as a nursing home oh excuse me assited living facilities. I am her on reliable daughter. Can you tell I am a middle child? Mom isn't the easiest to get along with so this will be an ordeal. She is getting rid of her things so I am sure I will come back with a load of things I don't need. I will need many mood stablizers and great toons for the drive. More later about the son situation. Lets just say he spent his holiday weekend at the eating with a spork!
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